Resources to Help You Get Started

"The best investment you can make is in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn. "
-Warren Buffet 
Get Inspired:
Financial Independence and Early Retirement (FIRE):
Getting out of Debt:
"Save like Dave Ramsey but invest like John Bogle."
    • BiggerPockets Money
      • podcast
    • BiggerPockets Real Estate Investing
      • podcast
      • website
      • free webinars
      • forum- an amazing community of mentors
      • videos, books, investing calculators and much more!
    • Books on investing in real estate:
    “Let’s face it: Most investment books are boring. Dull. Uninspired. This book brings managing your money to life. JL Collins offers a one-two punch: a simple, effective message told in a visual, funny style. If you think ‘investing is boring’ or ‘investing is hard,’ read this. You’ll never say those lines again.”  Paula Pant:
      Watch this 90-second video by J. L. Collins, the author of Simple Path to Wealth, for his badass description of FU money. 

      *Side Note: Always on the go and don't have time to read a book? Try Audible and get one month free. It's like a digital library card! 
