August Update: $6,200 of student loans paid off in 2 weeks!

I've decided to hold myself accountable as I pay off my student loans by sharing my progress twice a month as the balance goes from $68,200 to $0.  Perhaps, I'll even inspire a few of you to join me.  Here's the first entry of this life-changing journey. 

Your attitude towards student loans while you're in college...

...And after college

Starting Student Loan Balance in 2014: $100,000
Degree: Nursing
Starting Salary: $60K
Cost of living in DC and now San DiegoAstronomical!

My confidence I could ever pay off my student loans: 0%

Then, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired of being enslaved by debt!

Balance as of July 27, 2018: $68,200
Interest rate: 5.8%

Progress since then...

Total paid$6,244
New Balance: 62,078

My confidence I will pay off all my student loans in 13 months: 100%

Me celebrating the actions I've taken today towards my soon to be future of being debt free...

Until next time,

